KS&G handles all aspects of governmental contracts and procurement, including design of procurement documents for governmental agencies and prosecuting and defending bid protest actions at the county, state, and federal level.

Our experience includes:


  • Design of Requests for Proposals, Invitations for Bids, Requests for Informations, and Requests for Qualifications for municipalities, the State of Hawaii, and various administrative agencies.
  • Assisting governmental bodies in responding to bidder questions, issuance of addenda, and avoidance of bid protests.
  • Assisting clients in responding to governmental solicitations, including review and submittal of questions.
  • Preparation of proposals to be submitted in response to solicitations.
  • Review of awards, participation in debriefings, drafting of bid protest letters, and prosecuting procurement disputes at the agency, court and appellate levels of both the state and federal governments. 
  • Defending bid protests on behalf of the governmental agencies
  • Assisting successful offerors in intervention into procurement disputes and defending claims made by aggrieved bidders.